Wanna learn to roller skate? Get rolling with the Betties this fall!
Register online with Cumberland Recreation programs at this LINK. Options:
> Level 1 Intro to roller skating: Sun 9:30-11:00 AM. 10 sessions Sept 12-Dec 12: $80.
Learn basic skating skills (stops, falls, crossovers).
> Level 2 Intro to roller skating (ages 18+; mixed): Wed 7:15-8:45 PM. 12 sessions Sept 22-Dec 8: $96.
Build on skate skills (skate backwards, transitions, edges).
> Or kick it old school at “Friday night drop in” 7:15 – 8:45 PM (register weekly), starting Sept 10.
Bring your own gear for a casual skate and roller dance.
The Betties may be able to provide short-term loans of gear for the Intro sessions – if required, or you have any gear purchasing questions – please Contact us 🙂
What safety gear should you wear when roller skating? A helmet and wrist, elbow, and knee pads.
What else do you need to bring to an Intro skate session? A water bottle, a mouth guard (buy at any sporting goods dept.), & your best attitude!